Sunday Evening Activities
Sunday Evening Service, and Kid's Night program will be at 5:00 PM, Middle School youth and High School youth group is at 6:00 PM. A nursery is provided for the Sunday Evening Worship Service.
Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee will have a meeting on Sunday, March 2 at 3:45 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Kids Night
Please join us for Kids Night at 4:45P PM March 2 - April 13! We are celebrating the Miracle of the Empty Tomb with special snacks, crafts, songs, games and Bible lessons. You won't want to miss it!
Youth Bible Study
Youth Bible study meets on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM in the youth room. Pizza is provided. Please come for a time of fun, fellowship and growth in Christ.
Men's Bible Study
The Men's Bible study meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We are doing a study on prayer and are using selected articles from several sources. Materials will be distributed each week for study and discussion. These materials will be handed out when we meet.
Tithing Envelopes
The 2025 tithing envelopes are in the vestibule with name labels on them ready for pickup. If there are no envelopes with your name and you would like to have, please contact the church office.
BSRT Pancake Supper
The annual Biblical Studies Released Time Pancake Supper will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2025. If you are available to help with this event, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the Education Building.
Youth Retreats
The High School retreat will be March 7-9 and the Middle School retreat will be March 21-23 at Bonclarken. The cost is $48 for members and $96 for guests. Please have your payment and medical forms turned into the church office by Sunday, March 2nd.
Good Samaritan Fund
The ARP Denomination has set up the Good Samaritan Fund for Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief. 100% of the funds will be disbursed to those that need it by the Steering Committee of the Good Samaritan Fund. You may use the link below to give online:
You can also mail a check to the ARP Center, 918 S. Pleasantburg Dr., Ste. 127, Greenville, SC 29607. Write Hurricane Helene in the memo. Alternatively, you may write a check to Clover ARP Church and put Hurricane Helene in the memo, and we will forward those donations to the Good Samaritan Fund at the ARP Center.
Prayer List
A weekly prayer list will be emailed out every Wednesday morning. If you wish to add someone to the list, please call or email Mona in the church office. Please make sure it is alright with the person.
All ladies in the church are cordially invited to attend the circle meetings of 2025. Meet together for Bible study; support of church programs, events & missions; & fellowship. Your presence can make a difference!
Morning Circle - meets on Tuesday after the 1st Sunday of the month @ 11:00 AM in Fellowship Hall
Maranatha Circle - meets on Tuesday after the 1st Sunday of the month @ 7:00 PM in members homes.
The Maranatha Circle will not meet the months of June and July.
Men's Prayer Meeting
There will be a weekly Men's Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays at 8:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
Wednesday Prayer Lunch
There is a weekly Wednesday Prayer Lunch at 12:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome.
Sunday Evening Activities
Sunday Evening Worship Service is at 5 pm in the Sanctuary. Middle School Youth Group is at 5 pm in the Youth Basement. High School Youth Group is at 6 pm in the Youth Basement. Kid's Night is at 5 pm in the Fellowship Hall. There also is a nursery for the Sunday evening worship hour every week.
Kid's Night is our Sunday evening ministry for our children from age 3 to 5th grade. It is at the same time as our evening worship and youth group because we want your entire family to be engaged in the worship of God on Sunday evening. In Kid's Night, your children learn to memorize Scripture, they are taught i separate classes the stories of the Bible and the Children's Catechism. They learn songs that they will sing in front of the church and the end with playing outside. It is a time for us to teach our children God's Word and for them to have fun as they do it.
If you or your children have not been to our Sunday evening activities, we encourage you to make it a part of your Sunday. There is not better way to prepare for the week than for our family to spend the Lord's Day in His house with His people. We look forward to beginning our Sunday evening schedule again!